Friday 27 December 2013

Some Sites, Plants, Foods & Animals in Singapore

At Singapore Botanic Garden
Well camouflaged
Catching some rays
Lush greenery at Fort Canning Park
Seafood, chicken and beef all in one meal, washed down with fresh guava juice
Juicy fruit
Chinatown shops
Street decorations in Chinatown
Merlion - noted Singapore monument
Marina Bay Sands Hotel and ArtScience Museum
Where the Singapore Sling originated - in Singapore $$!
Gardens by the Bay
Preparing dumplings
Dumplings ready to enjoy
Orchard Road Christmas Day Concert
Singapore Zoo (see note below)
Now I know why Olive finds me attractive!
Entertaining the crowds
Fascinating tram ride to observe wildlife at night
Fire-eating show

Friday 20 December 2013

Singapore Part 1

As planned, we arrived in Singapore the evening of Dec 4 and checked into the OMF (Overseas Missionary Fellowship) guesthouse, a lovely and affordable (especially by Singapore standards) haven for international workers and another wonderful opportunity to meet new people and hear more fascinating stories.
Singapore Botanical Garden

Singapore Hotel/Casino and Flyer (by day)
Same location at night
On Dec 7 we boarded the Costa Victoria cruise ship for an 11 day trip to ports in Thailand and Malaysia including Kuantan, Koh Samui, Malacca, Penang, Phuket and Langkawi. Highlights of the trip - soaking in the sun on some phenominal beaches, spending countless hours reading, getting caught in a monsoon downpour and huddling inside a small shelter with a Norwegian man and several Thai folks, eating all the seafood I could possibly want and just experiencing the culture in these countries. The only downside, Olive was briefly seasick on the trip up the eastern side of Thailand.

Phuket, Thailand (cruise ship in background)
Chaweng Beach in Koh Samui, Thailand
On Dec 18 we returned to Singapore and after spending another 2 nights at the OMF guesthouse, we have now moved into an apartment for the next 2 weeks in which we are house and pet sitting for a British couple who have returned to England for Christmas. We are taking care of their cat, Alfie, a 12 year old white and black feline rescued from a shelter in Malaysia. Of course to be understood, we have readily learnt some common Malay phrases which roughly translate as. ... quit using the couch for a scratching post; no, you can't have a treat until later; and, would you prefer to be scratched behind the ears or on your belly?

If you can believe it, we have now been travelling for just under 3 months and up to this point all of our meals have been prepared for us. However, that will now change and fortunately there is a supermarket only about a block away from the apartment and lots of nearby eating places. We are looking forward to spending Christmas here and hope to take in some Christmas church services.

As those of you who have spent Christmas in a hot climate will know, it seems strange to hear "I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas" as we wandered down Orchard Road, an elaborately decorated street that has choirs and musicians performing free outdoor concerts. At one mall, in addition to reindeer and a Santa Claus, the mall has foam generating blowers that blast out fake snow to the delight of youngsters and admiring adults.

We wish all of you a blessed Christmas and a happy new year. If you are on Skype and would like to have a face to face over the holidays let us know, we would be thrilled.

Our plan is to stay in Singapore until Jan 3 and then head to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.