Sunday 20 October 2013

Visiting Hospitals in Pointe Noire

Africa Mercy (in port, centre of photo) as seen from the balcony of one of the hospitals we are working with
Taking part in a tour of the cleaning/sterilizing area at one of the hospitals
Our two translators, Davy and Henriette, both from Congo
Henriette works with us and assists on the ship in one of the nursing areas
Together with hospital staff and our translators, we scrubbed and did our best to decontaminate the room in which all instruments are cleaned after surgery, heated in a sterilizer and stored in cabinets. The lone sink is also in this room and is where the surgeons scrub in preparation for surgery
Mr. M. has been great to work with. Trained as ward nurses, he and a colleague divide their time between nursing and cleaning/sterilizing instruments
Countertop after some scrubbing. We suggested they separate the room between a "sterile" side and a "contaminated" side so that it would be less likely that dirty and clean instruments would be cross contaminated. They were very open to our suggestions  
The "sterile" side of the room. Now instruments can be removed from the sterilizer, placed on the table while cooling and then directly into the storage cabinet

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