Wednesday 2 April 2014

New Zealand North Island 2 (Mar 22 - 27)

Our last week on the North Island was relaxed. After crossing the Cook Strait on Mar 22, we headed to the city of Wanganui (also spelled Whanganui) where we checked into a motel and stayed put for 3 days. The motel was right by the river and a large park so was a great place for walks. What we also enjoyed here were the feijoa (a green-skinned, egg-shaped fruit that has the consistency and taste of a guava) and some vegetables from the motel garden.

Interestingly, the beaches on the west side of the north island have black sand. On our drive up to Auckland, we stopped at a place called Parininihi where we walked along some white cliffs with deep black sandy beaches at the base.

In our travels, Olive has always looked for sunsets and since we were on the west side of the island, we finally got to see some nice sunsets.

Next up is flying to London, England and the start of our European adventure.

Crossing the Cook Strait by ferry 
Sunset at Wanganui, NZ
Cliffs at Parininhi
Deep black sandy beaches on west coast of North Island
The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the home of the "Long White Cloud"
Auckland Airport - leaving "Middle Earth"

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