Sunday 4 May 2014

Exploring the Pyrenees in S. France (Apr 29 - May 4)

As we enter the 3rd week of our housesitting arrangement in southern France, life has taken on a routine that we have not had for a long time. Olive has been able to spend quite a lot of time working on her PhD thesis while I care for the animals, house and yard.

This weekend we both felt like we needed to be a little more active so we headed for the mountains. On Saturday, we headed for the village of Vernet-les-Bains which is at the base of Mt. Canigou (the peak we see from our house). Along the way we stopped at one of the towns to browse the market, then once in Vernet, we enjoyed lunch and a hike up to two waterfalls.

On Sunday, we hiked up to the summit of Mt. Neulos. From the summit, you get a great view of France on one side and Spain on the other.
Saturday market at village of Thuir
Abundance of olives
Assorted French breads
Village of Eus, in the Pyrenees
Lunch in Vernet - assorted platter of meats and cheeses
Hike up to 2 waterfalls in Vernet-les-Bains, one of them, Cascade des Anglais, was made famous by Rudyard Kipling
Wild poppies popping up everywhere, Mt. Canigou in background
In the mountains seen from our backyard, the highest peak (directly above Olive's head) is called Mt. Neulos. We hiked up to the summit on Sun. May 4 
At the summit of Mt. Neulos. Olive has one foot in Spain, the other in France
Looking down on our village from the top of Mt. Neulos


  1. Oh my goodness, these photos are stunning! Thank you for giving me a piece of France this morning!

    1. Your welcome, glad you enjoyed them, we certainly have enjoyed experiencing this area.
